Sunday, December 22, 2019

The, Dog And Cat And Coffee And Tea Great Gatsby And...

Introvert â€Å"Dog and Cat. Coffee and Tea. Great Gatsby and Catcher in the Rye. Everyone knows there are two types of people in the world. What are they?†. This question is quite easy to answer and refers to human behavioural quirks and nature, Introverts and Extroverts. Surrounding the two vague types are many stereotypes, but this will be addressing and explaining what it truly means to be an Introvert. Introverts are typically more complex characters as a whole compared to Extroverts, the dynamics between the two already a major difference. When a person hears ‘Introvert’ they think ‘Alone’, ‘Hates People’, ‘Pessimist’ and ‘Boring’, whilst thinking Extroverts, on the other hand, as ‘Happy’, ‘Friendly’, ‘Optimists’, and ‘Fun’ - two†¦show more content†¦But when Introverts give themselves permission to seek the solitude they crave, life becomes light er and better. Social situations are more bearable. Even small talk is easier to endure when they’ve fortified themselves with solitude. Introverts are known for being quiet, another universal quirk. Introverts are written economists suffering in a world of verbal hodgepodge. Unfortunately, this has lead to awkward confrontations like â€Å"Are you shy?† or â€Å"Why are you so quiet?†. Now it’s time to debunk the typical Introvert myths. The most common one is that being Introverted means you’re shy, and often use the two words interchangeably. Both introverts and shy people tend to avoid socializing at times, but they do so for different reasons. Introverts often stay on the sidelines at social events because socializing drains their energy, whilst shy people tend to avoid going to unnecessary social events at all because of their fear of the unknown. Instead of worrying about being drained, they’re concerned about making a mess of themsel ves or being rejected / judged. The next most common is that Introverts are socially awkward. People assume that because you are Introverted, you don’t know how to behave or act socially. Many introverts have superior social skills. They are confident, assertive, and interesting to talk to. People don’t realize this because they assume everyone with good social skills is an extrovert.

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